Everybody Seeks to Belong and to be Understood

As a child, I suffered every time my concern was not understood, my actions were criticized or punished.

Becoming a mother I was confronted with similar issues . My deep wish to have a loving relationship with my daughter led me on the path to my final realization: When people feel understood, when they feel listened to, and when they recognize another person’s willingness to show interest, possibilities come up that you couldn’t have dreamed of, like rewarding relationships, exceptional leadership, productive teams and supportive communities.

This discovery gave birth to the idea for my brand "Logosynergie." Reaching out and listening to each other, enables understanding and connection. There are techniques and approaches for this.

For years, as an author and designer, I have been creating books and media that help people with leadership responsibilities discover and cultivate the "understanding side" of themselves. In my presentations I explain different aspects of how to be understanding.

Furthermore, I prefer to advise, coach and train leaders and teams in small companies and teachers or educators in educational institutions as well as parents.

Growing up in the Philippines from the age of eight months to ten years old, my first words spoken are said to have been in English. I visited the American School Manila from first to fourth grade. So speaking English is a part of me, and although I'm not perfect, I speak well.

If you would like to find out how I can support you, please contact me via the telephone number or e-mail address below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Ulla is trained as Empathic Coach®, Trainer for Nonviolent Communication, System Constellation Leader, Psychological Counsellor and Family Therapist, NLP Business Master and has graduated with a Diploma in Graphic Design.